The DhiMath Exploding Dots app is here for GMW2024!

Check out the interactive book and widget.
Global Math Week starts October 10.

#GMW2024 #explodingdots


We believe that learning mathematics can and should inspire joy. The Global Math Project is a worldwide movement of teachers committed to igniting and sustaining a love of mathematics in their students.

It all starts with James Tanton’s Exploding Dots.


Here are some updates and items of interest from the Global Math Community.

Exploding Dots on Udemy!

From DhiMath, India.

Exploding Dots in Sinhala

Dr. Gaya Jayakody shares the joys of Exploding Dots

A Guide and Accompanying Video Playlist!

Follow this guide for GMW2023! #explodingdots

Sanatorial High School

Young students at the Hospital High School, Busteni-Romania do math!

Trigonometric Identities

A new approach to Trig Identities!